Stephen Small

The following is the opening of an article by Stephen Small you can download:

If you own or plan to own a clinic, the time will come in the future when you will no longer be working in it. This could be because you choose to retire, you get a desire to do something else or, in a worst case scenario, something happens which means that you can no longer work and you are forced to sell.

I am known primarily for my work developing IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression. I work with clinics to get the best from IDD treatment and also to help them grow their business. I was also a clinic owner for eight years.

In October 2022 I sold the clinic which I had co-owned since 2014. This clinic was in London and I am quite proud to say, it was the UK’s first ‘Disc’ clinic ….

The article is a pdf which you can open, probably best to print it and read it. It also includes an appendix for clinicians considering ways to grow their clinic.