The Phenomenon Of Multiple IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression Machines (Photos) & How Spine Care Is Changing

I was asked recently whether I had ever had any doubts about IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression in the time I had been working with it.

The answer was no.

The first IDD clinic I visited over ten years ago led me to quit what I was doing and leap in. Such was the passion of the clinic team and the enthusiasm of the patients I talked to. (me second from right … looking younger!)

And along the way I have seen clinics tentatively embrace the technology and rehab programme. Then without realising it, they have progressed over time to be in a place where they are treating hundreds of patients, adding one Accu SPINA spinal decompression system, then another.

This is no sausage factory conveyor belt. The ability to distract and mobilise (longitudinally) targeted spinal segments is something which traction could not do and which is impossible to do with the hands (in the way the technology can).

So when you combine the technology with manual therapy and structured exercise you end up with a treatment which brings about dramatic change.

I have co-owned a clinic since 2014. We have a wall of fame of the outcomes with pictures of patients whose lives have been transformed. That fuels my motivation.

We are not anti-injections or surgery, but conservative treatment is preferable unless the invasive route is necessary.

There are patients who don’t see change from IDD Therapy. It’s not a cure all but the results overall are what excite us and keep us pushing.

In the future professional body conferences will be focussed on best practice and refinement of treatment protocols. That is why I get excited when new clinics come on board.

Because no practitioner is the same. Each has a unique experience and knowledge base and can come at the treatment with a slightly different set of eyes.

That means as a collective we can only get better and that is good news for patients.

In the future social medicine will embrace IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression because the cost benefits versus patients clogging up GP and Consultant waiting rooms will make it compelling to the Trusts who manage the purse strings whilst giving patients the best possible outcomes.

And physical therapists will be at the forefront of the development of this progression.

Spine care is changing.

You can open a general summary pdf here about IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression (courtesy of CLICK HERE

Or to download a Prospectus about the Accu SPINA and details about providing IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression – CLICK HERE